Tuesday, March 30, 2010

From Trash....To Treasure!

Who says playing around in the trash doesn’t pay? In fact, picking through the recycling bin could even land you a TV gig!

In celebration of the 40th anniversary of Earth Day this April, PBS KIDS GO!'s Design Squad is launching the nationwide 2010 Trash to Treasure competition on April 5th at PBSKIDSGO.org/designsquad/contest.

Kids across the country aged 5 to 19 are being challenged to recycle, reuse and re-engineer everyday materials into new inventions. Three young innovators will win a trip to Boston to see their designs built and have the process chronicled for an upcoming episode of the engineering TV series.

The rules are simple. The invention should fit within one of the three categories: move things or people (Mobility), protect the environment (Environmental), or be used for indoor or outdoor play (Play). The invention should be made of at least two repurposed materials (fabric, paper, plastic, small electronics, wheels, clamps, springs, batteries, hardware, wood, bike parts, string, rubber bands, cardboard, kitchen gadgets, etc.) Kids will be given online tools to sketch out their ideas or upload a photo. (They don't need to actually build their invention in order to enter.)

Last year's winner, Max Wallack, 13, invented the "Home Dome"--a temporary shelter for homeless people and disaster victims.

Produced by WGBH in Boston, Design Squad is a reality competition show launched in 2007 and aimed at kids and people of all ages who enjoy “how to” television. WGBH Boston is America's preeminent public broadcasting producer--the single largest source of prime-time and children's programming for PBS and pbs.org, one of the most trafficked dot-org websites in the world.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Congratulations! You're the Proud Parent of an Olive Tree!

You may have heard of the benefits of olive oil, a staple of the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil is a natural juice that preserves the taste, aroma and vitamins of the olive. It’s chock full of antioxidants and various studies indicate it can protect again heart disease by controlling the LDL or “bad” cholesterol levels, while raising the HDL or “good” levels.

Now, the Texas Hill Country Olive Company is taking olive oil to the next level by letting customers adopt their own olive tree! Patrons who adopt an olive tree for a year can reap the rewards from their own tree -- like organically grown extra virgin olive oil, and the option to receive their olive oil bottles with custom labels. The company cultivates and mills olives, then bottles the olive oil on-site at their family run artisanal olive orchard. They also offer three specialty blends: Terra Verde, Master Miller’s Blend and Sola Stella.

In addition to the pure taste and healthy benefits, just think how impressed your family and friends will be when they see your name right there on the label!

Olives have been around for a very long time. They actually date back to 8,000 years ago when they were growing in Spain, and were commercially cultivated more than 5,000 years ago in Syria. From there olive farming spread across Greece, Rome, and the entire Mediterranean region.

Years later, Spanish missionaries introduced olives to the new world; planting trees in Mexico, California, and South America. Today Spain and Italy lead the world in olive production. The first successful olive tree plantings in Texas took place in the 1930's.

For more information on the Texas Hill Country Olive Company visit: www.texashillcountryoliveco.com

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Will Frozen Yogurt Replace the "Coffee Break?"

I have to admit, I'm a lover of frozen yogurt, specially since my stomach has become intolerent of ice cream. So, my fellow yogurt lovers, Yogen früz, the world’s leading frozen yogurt firm, has some exciting news about this low-fat, tasty and healthy alternative.

Tommorrow, Yogen Früz plans to launch its latest NÜmixes flavor, Chai Latté, at Yogen Früz stores across North America. Yogen Früz’s Chai Latté is blended with low-fat or non-fat frozen yogurt offering a healthy alternative to your everyday coffee-break.

Yogen Früz’s proprietary blending process allows customers the opportunity to choose from an array of fresh fruits to create a personalized frozen yogurt treat. In addition, Yogen Früz’s NÜmixes program offers a fun spin on original flavors including: Chocolate Almond, Key Lime Pie, Piña Colada, and introducing the newest flavor Chai Latté.

Yogen Früz is offered in low-fat, non-fat and no-sugar-added frozen yogurt, which can be custom blended with a large assortment of fresh fruit and/or sweet crunchy toppings in a cup or blended into a nutritious fat-free, ice-free dairy or non-dairy smoothie. Yogen Früz adds one billion viable probiotic cultures to each serving of healthy yogurt. Probiotics have been shown to help with healthy digestion, immune system support, better mineral absorption and assist with lactose intolerance.

More info is available at www.yogenfruz.com. Happy and healthy eating!